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File Upload

Below you will find instructions on how to transfer your files to our ftp site. If you are transferring more than one file, please zip all the files together using WinZip, StuffIt or your personal preference before transferring the files to our ftp site.

Web Browser Option

  1. Open web browser and go to or click “Connect to FTP” button above.
  2. Login with the Username and Password given to you by your salesperson. This should take you to the appropriate folder where you can upload your file. (You may not see anything in the window if no files are there.)
  3. From here, you can just drag the file you want to upload from your computer and drop it into the browser window you have open. Technically, you can drag more than one file at a time, but we prefer that you zip multiple files into one big file.

Once the file has transferred, you should see it in the browser window.

Using an FTP Client:

(Such as Fetch or FileZilla)

Connect with the following information:
Host Name:
User ID: (Given to you by your salesperson or customer service rep)
Password: (Given to you by your salesperson or customer service rep)

Add files you wish to upload. If you are transferring more than one file, please zip all the files together using WinZip, StuffIt or your personal preference before transferring.

For additional assistance, please call 954.563.0775.